Don't Give Up!

So you think you are destined for greatness? So you think you – your life – is replete with those indices that point to an eventual great life? But here you are, you don't seem closer to greatness today than you were yesterday, last month or a year ago. You don't even seem to be moving in the right direction. You are confused and your conviction is gradually ebbing away. You feel you have lost your mojo, your zeal and your verve.  You are no longer motivated. You are feeling low – like you've hit rock bottom. 

So, are you just going to throw in the towel? Are you just going to give up? Are you just going to call it quits? 

Have you not read the stories of those great people that came before you? Have you not noticed they experienced what you are experiencing now at different stages of their lives on their way to greatness? Do you not see that the greats also had to overcome their many obstacles? 

You may rest but quitting will only take you back to where you started, not further. Have you not heard that it's when you are hardest hit that you must not quit?

So, my friend, sit down and take a cursory look at your life. Re-strategize, learn new strategies, and go again. And like that wise man said, everything gives in in the face of perseverance. It conquers all, even nature. 

You can rest, change course or even switch to another lane but don't give up. The darkest hour is nearest the dawn. Make one more effort and another and another until you succeed. 

To greatness!

Warm Regards, 

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